One of my goals for this year is to live more intentionally in everyday life. I want to make the most of each day, since the older I get the faster the days seem to go by. It becomes easy to shut off part of the mind and settle in a routine, counting down to the weekends. I want to cherish each moment of every day, and never forget to live life truly to its fullest potential.
Here is a quick list of ways to make the most of daily life:
-actively seek God's will when making decisions, nurture and pursue a deeper relationship with Him -do more of what makes you feel fulfilled (i.e. create...daily!)
-don't live for the weekends, live for everyday (even Mondays!)
-pray often
-be kind to strangers (and coworkers)
-go to bed earlier, so you can...
-wake up earlier than necessary, eat a good breakfast, reflect on the days activities
-actively think of new ways to be romantic to spouse (or significant other)
-treat your body as a temple: challenge yourself through exercise, be conscious of the food you eat
-stay in touch with family, call often
-travel more
-do whatever gives you energy, whatever makes you feel alive (for me, it is photographing, writing)
-complain less, focus on the good things
-watch less tv during free time, (to wind down, instead try reading, playing a musical instrument, going on a walk or journaling)
-dream big on a daily basis, and then make specific goals to help it come true
"...whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things." - Philippians 4:8